Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Wonder why human live happy during 80's , 90's era or even day before " Smart Phone " invented.
Recently i have a feeling that i am over rely on "smart phone" , can't live without Facebook, Watsapp and Instagram.

This ill behavior making me keep refreshing page or stalk on friend's online status in watsapp and wonder why have to took long time for reply...(Personally, i would rather tell opponent that T.T.Y.L "talk to you later" as a pause).
Think again, mail and e-mail playing a communication way before sms and watsapp not invented even though internet not as fancy as today equipped with tonnes of search engine and social media.

Guess i really suffering nomophobia -- as in no- mo(bile) phone-phobia

Last but not least, i really appreciate who could really reply me in short while or notify me for a pause.
Besides, i try to avoid heavily rely on smart phone just wish me best of my effort to quit.

Anyhow, i just copy from this website "" quoted with rules and regulation :-

#1: NO texting while driving. Make this a RULE! This is not only for you, but also for the benefit and safety of others. If you need to text -- do it before or after you drive. Risking your life just to give a quick response is beyond foolish.

#2: No phone in the bathroom. Seriously? You can't wait a few minutes to go into the most private room known to man? If nothing else, consider the vast amounts of germs crawling on your phone. You may wash your hands, but it defeats the purpose as soon as you start handling that now dirty, germ-riddled phone. Plus, who on the other end likes to hear a toilet flush?

#3. When you step up to the counter to either order or check-out, put the phone down and take care of business. There are customers behind you and they don't want to hear whatever. This is especially true in the Express Lane.

#4 No phone use during sex…… No, I’m not going to explain why not. Just don’t do it.

#5. When going to bed, no more falling asleep while staring at your screen. I know it's fun to tweet, keep up with high school friends on Facebook and buy things on eBay just before closing your eyes, but we're trying to overcome an addiction here. Shut it down and get some shut eye. Oh, and turn the phone off -- completely off -- before falling asleep. You do NOT need to check for messages at 4 a.m. while going to the bathroom.

#6. When you're with friends, turn your phone off. No, not on vibrate. OFF. It's okay. Nothing bad will happen and you won't miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Each time you do this, it will become easier.

#7. If you're on a date, come to a mutual agreement that you each will only check your phones every 90 minutes, at the same time and for 5 minutes max.

#8. Finally, last but not least, when you're able to manage the above without suffering a panic attack, shortness of breath or dizziness, then try leaving the phone at home. Yep, this is the real deal -- graduation day. Spend a day without technology at your fingertips. You may need to do this in small doses, starting off with an hour or two and then progressing -- gasp -- to a whole day. Believe it or not, you can do it and the world will not come to an end.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The "Less" Theory

 Few months back, my home country leader surrounded with money laundry issue and here's some of my opinion :-

Former PM so power"less"
GST make us so cash"less"
The Country so democracy"less"
News report so freedom"less"
OT make us so time"less"

Wondering is there any "some"
but something come across my mind,


yes, flashback of traveling photo

Yes...why don't travel more and look for "some" where lost within our busy daily life

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I'm sure friend wondering why am I reopen a blog and post up something 'Returning' during last July 2015...
When life comes to certain stage, I'm really gonna admit that the 'Centre of Life‘ was majority occupied with work life and keep looking good food for console your soul and eat happily just to cleanse daily tension or maybe i called it "Appetite Call".

Besides, I've spent at least 12 hours in working life which half of my life occupied with work and sadly 9am -5pm working hours merely once in a blue moon.

Anyhow, I'm not suppose to share my negativity but just wondering "Life" is it just stuck with work, get married, buy a house and settle down? 

I've took my initial step for the milestone of 30 years old which is apply "Working Holiday Visa" in New Zealand where my heart found tranquility and motive to setup "new root" just like my ancestor travel through South China Sea settle down in Malaysia. I knew it's a tough decision where i need to let go my family, vehicle, food and shopping paradise but boring personality like me internet, computer and camera good enough to keep me happy and thanks to technology bring everyone together.

Cut it short, I'll go over N.Z again this Nov and work for part time job while looking for permanent work offer. Just wish me luck and pray hard that i could save a chunk of contingency money.

If you haven't been New Zealand, here''s my favourite for sharing:-